Overview of the EAL/D Progression: Ensuring Inclusive and Rigorous Engagement Within the Australian Curriculum for Teachers New to EAL/D

1st June, 2021 @ 9:00 am


01/06/2021 - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm


This one-day workshop will assist teachers in responding to the Australian Curriculum’s EAL/D Progression and supporting materials as they plan for the engagement of EAL/D students within their classroom. Topics covered include:


  • a general overview of language development in school-age students
  • overview and use of the Australian Curriculum’s EAL/D Progressions in determining language proficiency and monitoring language learning (with a focus on the Writing mode for the purposes of the session)
  • use of the Australian Curriculum’s EAL/D resources to support planning for effective and inclusive practice.


Target audience: Classroom Teachers, EAL/D Teachers & Leaders, Inclusive Education Teachers & Leaders.

Delivery mode: Face to face

Presenter: Melissa Symonds, AISSA



Due to current COVID-19 restrictions the AISSA is required to enforce set limits on the number of attendees for this event based on social distancing and maximum density rules.  To secure your place please complete the registration as attendance at the AISSA office without a confirmed place may result in being turned away if the event is at capacity.

For registration enquiries please contact Rae Dawkins.

There is no on-site parking available.  For parking options please refer to the parking map.  Tram stop #1 Greenhill Road is a 6-minute walk away


Bookings are closed for this event.