Teacher Certification Workshop A: Introduction to Certification (via Zoom)

4th August, 2021 @ 4:00 pm


04/08/2021 - 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Event Categories:


Workshop A: Introduction to Certification

  • This workshop will introduce certification, unpack the requirements of the process and identify your suitability and readiness to apply.
  • This workshop supports applicants to develop a deeper understanding of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) and to explore how their practice aligns to the career stages.
  • Applicants are encouraged to bring their mentor or line manager to ensure a shared understanding of the process and requirements is developed.


Target audience: Teachers who are working at or towards the Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher (HALT) career stage of the APST who have the support and approval of their Principal.  Collecting and collating the evidence of your impact for the Stage 1 application usually takes one to two years.

Delivery mode: Zoom – a Zoom link will be sent closer to the event

Presenters: Mary Pickett, AISSA


The AISSA provides support and professional learning for teachers in Independent Schools in SA who are seeking to become certified as a Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher (HALT) and have their Principal’s support to do so.

Certification is a national process and uses the APST as a basis for certifying teachers at the Highly Accomplished (HA) or Lead career stages. This workshop series is free for applicants, but the cost of certification is $1825 (paid in stages).

Participants must register online and complete all three workshops in sequence within the semester or across the year (or in some situations two years) before they can submit their application for certification as a Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher (HALT).

The three-workshop series (A, B and C) is offered each semester and must be completed in the correct sequence and within two years. Applicants must have the support of their Principal to apply for certification.

For further information please contact Mary Pickett


Please see the AISSA’s Video Conferencing Collection Notice and Video Conferencing Privacy Disclosure Statement for information about the AISSA’s collection of personal information through video conferencing.


For registration enquiries please contact Rae Dawkins.


Bookings are closed for this event.