School Laboratory and Chemical Management


Do Schools need to comply?

Yes, schools are required to comply with chemical management practices which fall under Safe Work Australia Codes of Practice.

Conditions of compliance:

Schools have an obligation to ensue that chemicals are stored and handled correctly. Safe chemical practices are essential to assist in minimising risks associated with hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods.

If you have to comply, what do you have to do?

To adhere to regulatory requirements, schools must:

  • Implement safe handing and storage systems;
  • Control and reduce risks associated with the use of chemicals;
  • Follow Good Laboratory Practice methods, including chemical storage, containers and labelling of chemicals;
  • Have a clear understanding of the Work, Health and Safety regulations;
  • Create a long-term plan for the safe use of chemicals;
  • Maintain a hazardous chemical register; and
  • Dispose of waste and unwanted chemicals in line with SA Water Trade Waste Management requirements or local council requirements.
What are the consequences if you don't comply?

Schools may be in breach of the Work Health and Safety Act 2021 (SA), and the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA). Non-compliance may also place the school’s registration as a non-government school in jeopardy.

For more information, please contact Aleida Mabarrack.