Address Collection – Australian Government


Do Schools need to comply?

The Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection (Address Collection) is undertaken each year by non-government Approved Authorities and their schools in SchoolsHUB. Most non-government schools are required to complete the Address Collection. Schools required to complete the collection will see ‘Address Collection’ listed on the Data Collections dashboard in SchoolsHUB.

Conditions of compliance:

Address Collection data is collected in accordance with sections 52(3)(c) and 58B of the Australian Education Regulation 2013 (Cth) (the Regulation). These sections of the Regulation require the collection of student and parent/guardian address information and some student characteristic information. The collected data is used and combined with other data to calculate a non-government school community’s capacity to contribute to the costs of schooling. This may influence the level of Australian Government recurrent funding for non-government schools. The information is also used to inform Australian Government school education policy.

Address Collection data is provided in a secure manner to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and linked with taxation data under the Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP). The ABS securely provides the Department with deidentified data to calculate CTC scores. The CTC scores inform school recurrent funding calculations.

Government schools and some non-government schools are exempt from completing the Address Collection. These schools are:

  • Special Schools;
  • Special Assistance Schools;
  • Majority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (MATSIS) schools (as determined by the Department);
  • Sole Provider Schools (as determined by the Department); and
  • Government Schools.

Some students must not be included in the Address Collection submission. These students are:

  • Students in early childhood education programs (also referred to as Year 1 minus 2);
  • Full fee paying overseas students (international students who do not attract Australian Government recurrent funding); and
  • Distance Education students.

The collection does include any Australian school students who are overseas as part of an exchange program.

If you have to comply, what do you have to do?

The Address Collection collects the following data from eligible schools, for each location at the school:

  1. Address of each eligible school aged student
  2. Demographic data related to the student:
    1. Education level (primary or secondary)
    2. Whether the student is a boarding or day student
  3. Name and residential address of the person(s) responsible for each student. In general, the person(s) responsible will be the student’s parent/guardian.


The Address Collection has two options for providing data:

  • Data upload – Upload an XML format file on the ‘Data Upload’ tab to submit bulk data to the collection where you report more than 10 students for a school location of students with usual residential address circumstances; or
  • Manual data entry – Enter address data for a location one student record at a time. Manual data entry is recommended for school(s)/location(s) with less than 10 students, unusual residential address circumstance records and if users need to report an address using ‘pin an address’.
What are the consequences if you don't comply?

Compliance is a requirement under the Australian Education Regulation 2013 (Cth). To ensure CTC scores are calculated correctly, Address Collection data must be submitted by the deadline.


For more information, please contact Bronwyn Donaghey.